Aquila Aquatics
Blue Planet White Spot Remedy 125mL
Blue Planet White Spot Remedy 125mL
A Broad spectrum medication for treatment of white spot (ichthyophthirius multifiliis), velvet disease (oodinium spp.), and fungal disease in goldfish, freshwater and tropical freshwater fish. White Spot is a common fish parasite that can be introduced via new fish, plants or can appear when fish are stressed either from temperature change or a change in environement. These parasites appear as small white spots (pin head size) on the fish's body fins. Unless prompt action is taken, fatalities will occur.
Suitable for Tropical/Freshwater Aquarium fish.
Use 5mL per 20L of aquarium water
For tetra species, baby fish and scale less fish (loaches, etc), use a reduced dosage of 5mL per 40L of aquarium water.
Repeat dosage after 3 days. DO NOT OVERDOSE.